Networking and Multimedia Systems (NMSL)
The Networking and Multimedia Systems Laboratory (NMSL) investigates problems related to the delivery of multimedia data over computer networks, including both wired and wireless networks. Research in applications includes creating new services that can take advantage of evolving network services; developing new applications that can actually take advantage of lightweight devices and mobility; and building intelligent environments like classrooms. Research in network services includes developing new mechanisms to better enable applications, including reputation systems, multicast, QoS, and service scalability.
Mobility Management and Networking (MOMENT)
The Mobility Management and Networking (MOMENT) Laboratory, run by Professor Elizabeth Belding, investigates research topics related to mobile wireless networks. In particular, the research within the lab focuses on two primary areas: (1) Quality of Service to voice and video streams, and (2) Monitoring, Measurement and Analysis of deployed wireless networks to better understand wireless network behavior and usage. MOMENT Lab members have developed the UCSB MeshNet testbed.
Secure and Reliable Networking (CURRENT)
In the seCURe and REliable
NETworking (CURRENT) Laboratory, Professor Ben Zhao and his
students explore techniques and mechanisms to improve security and
reliability of large-scale networked systems. Current focus lies on the
use of self-organizing and self-repairing overlay networks to improve
reliability on top of untrusted network peers. Relevant topics of
interest include peer-to-peer networks, reliable routing, reputation systems and
network defense.
Laboratory for Intelligent NetworKing (LINK)
Professor Heather Zheng runs the Laboratory for Intelligent NetworKing (LINK), which investigates research issues involved in designing and deploying efficient next generation wireless networks relying on intelligent software control. Relevant topics include wireless security and routing, medium access and resource allocation, software-defined radios, dynamic spectrum networks, and incentive systems. The lab currently focuses on three challenges: maximizing throughput (minimizing delay) through cross-layer routing techniques, leveraging frequency-agile devices for defense against wireless attacks, and efficient and fair media access and coordination.